In 2024 our General Branch Meetings will be held every two months. The venue will be the Mid-Mountains Community Centre, Lawson, in the Joy Anderson Room. We’ll be meeting Saturday mornings at 10am, on the following dates: 10ᵗʰ February, 13ᵗʰ April, 8ᵗʰ June, 10ᵗʰ August and 12ᵗʰ October. Our meetings will conclude by 12.00pm, with a morning-tea break around 11am. After our meetings, everyone is welcome to continue our friendly fellowship at one of the local Lawson lunch eateries.
Next year, our branch is introducing Coffee Mornings for our Blue Mountains ABC Friends and friends. These will take place on the alternate months to our General Meetings. The branch committee has chosen various locations for these social occasions, in order to better reflect the residential spread of our branch members. Further details will appear in our first newsletter in 2024.